Lisa Lane

Lisa Lane
The day we bought this clunker

Monday, December 6, 2010

Chapter 21 - Finished Roof & HVAC

The house had the original Heating, Venitaling and Air-Conditioning system from 1978. It was time for a huge update. We worked with a great company called Wrich. It's hard to belive that right before we bought this house two families were living here and it was not heated or air-conditioned. (Not even the mice
survived as we found out when we took down the ceilings).

It wasn't as simple as just changing out the units. Some of the refrigeration lines were broken and had to be replaced. The lines run through the ceiling of the house. After most of the ceilings and drywalls were replaced, textured and painted, it was about mid-October. Temperatures were beginning to cool down in Las Vegas. So we called the AC guys to install the new heaters and air-conditioners now rather than at the end of the project.

The air-conditioners sit on the roof of the house and therefore, they had to bring out a crane to hoist these 1,000 lb units up on top of the roof. It was kinda cool. Pun intended.


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